Thursday, November 18, 2010
Today's Progress
I have written the two talking heads questions and the interview for the anorexic teenager and the psychiatrist. I have also started to make my storyboard anamtic, I have filmed each scene I wish to include, my next job is to work out the timing and find the music I would like to put over each interview. On each of my post it notes for my animatic, I have put what sort of music I want to use in the section. I have also decided on a title for my documentary and decided what title sequence I am going to use. My next job is to finish my animatic and speak to the people I am going to interview. The first thing that I plan to film is the talking heads of the teenagers. I feel today has been very successful and I next plan to do the majority of this work next week. Up until then I am going to plan my further actions.
My Title
I know it seems a bit late to be thinking of a title for my documentary at this stage, considering I have done all of my target audience research .etc
But now I am about to make a storyboard, I feel it is about time to think of a proper title for my documentary. I know that it is obviously about teenage anorexia, and more concentrating on female anorexia issues. However I need to think a title that will immediately interest my target audience to watch it.
A lot of documentaries are called things like 'ANOREXIA - THE TRUTH', for example. I was going to put a question in my questionnaire asking my audience what title they think I should have, however I decided not to because I feel it is my job to think of a title for my own documentary.
After a lot of decision making and research, I have decided to call my documentary..
I have decided this because 'perfect' is a powerful word that immediately grabs people attention, to compare themselves to something that is supposedly 'perfect'.
I want to make my opening title sequence and my credits at the end, as if someone is handwriting it. This is because I like the effect, after you have sped it up. For example, I will write the title, any of the interviewees name and ages. I have looked at the Napolean Dynamite title sequence because it uses the similar technique that I want to use.
Interview Scripts
Interview for Psychiatrist
- Could you summarise the role of your job?
- How many clients do you see on average every week?
- Are the majority of your clients female and what sort of age range do they fall under?
- Do they all have similar lifestyles?
- Why do you think that its important to involve the clients families?
- Do you think it is becoming more of an issue over the past years?
- What do you think are the contributing factors of anorexia?
Talking Heads
- Are you happy with your body?
- Which bit of your body are you not happy with?
- Show picture of anorexic teenager that is being interviewed - Do you think this person is overweight or underweight or average?
Interview for anorexic teenager
- How old were you when you were diagnosed with anorexia and how old were you when you were told you were getting better?
- Were you indenial about being ill before you were diagnosed?
- What has been the hardest stage for you during your illness?
- Do you feel confident enough to say that you're getting your life back on track?
- Did your illness have an effect on your school work?
- Did it also have an effect on the relationships with your friends and family?
- What do you think is the biggest factor that pressurised you with anorexia?
- Could you summarise the role of your job?
- How many clients do you see on average every week?
- Are the majority of your clients female and what sort of age range do they fall under?
- Do they all have similar lifestyles?
- Why do you think that its important to involve the clients families?
- Do you think it is becoming more of an issue over the past years?
- What do you think are the contributing factors of anorexia?
Talking Heads
- Are you happy with your body?
- Which bit of your body are you not happy with?
- Show picture of anorexic teenager that is being interviewed - Do you think this person is overweight or underweight or average?
Interview for anorexic teenager
- How old were you when you were diagnosed with anorexia and how old were you when you were told you were getting better?
- Were you indenial about being ill before you were diagnosed?
- What has been the hardest stage for you during your illness?
- Do you feel confident enough to say that you're getting your life back on track?
- Did your illness have an effect on your school work?
- Did it also have an effect on the relationships with your friends and family?
- What do you think is the biggest factor that pressurised you with anorexia?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
On November the 18th, I have a two hour slot to do some practical work, and this is my plan:
- Draw out a rough storyboard that tells me the camera angles, sound, transitions .etc
- Look at questionnaire and decide who I am going to interview, book slots with them to give me the opportunity to film them
- Write a script for the interviews, so I know the exact questions I plan to ask, and predict answers so I can think of leading questions
- Look for music and start to write a script for my voice over by researching statistics
- If I still have time left I may consider to start filming my two planned talking heads - What size boys prefer, and one word summary of what teenagers think of anorexia
- Draw out a rough storyboard that tells me the camera angles, sound, transitions .etc
- Look at questionnaire and decide who I am going to interview, book slots with them to give me the opportunity to film them
- Write a script for the interviews, so I know the exact questions I plan to ask, and predict answers so I can think of leading questions
- Look for music and start to write a script for my voice over by researching statistics
- If I still have time left I may consider to start filming my two planned talking heads - What size boys prefer, and one word summary of what teenagers think of anorexia
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Questionnaire Analysis
Looking at the results, the most popular for the base of the documentary was to concentrate on a few individuals, however as my documentary is only allowed to be maximum five minutes, I am going to concentrate it on just one teenager in this five minute extract. A big majority of my target audience said they would prefer it to be on TV, and the majority of them said Channel 4, 8pm. I also feel that Channel 4 is the most popular channel to show documentaries, and 8pm is a suitable time for my target audience (teenagers who are unaware of the problems with anorexia). I am also going to do talking heads of teenager's opinions on anorexia and interview an anorexic teenager. I also know a psychatrist who always works with anorexic people, therefore I am going to interview her.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Supersize Me
This film follows the conventions of a documentary because it uses statistics, follows Spurlock's day to day life of his new diet and happens over a certain period of time. This gives us the feeling that we are with him throughout his journey of seeing what it is like to be 'supersize'. It has a different effect to what a normal film would because we feel connected to Spurlock and he is taking part in this documentary to show us what it is like.
I feel that this is relevant to me making my documentary because it is on the subject of eating disorders. However I am not going to make my documentary in film style mine is going to be more television, factual like.
My Questionnaire
Female [ ] Male [ ]
13-16 [ ] 17-20 [ ] 21+ [ ]
Do you watch documentaries? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If so, how often? Once a year [ ] Once a month [ ] Once a week [ ]
Other ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Does the subject anorexia interest you? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If so, why? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Would you prefer a documentary to be shown on TV? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If so, what time and what channel? …………………………………………………………..
Or would you prefer it to be online? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If so, why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Do documentaries interest you more if
They concentrate on a few individuals [ ]
Whether it is a statistical documentary that concentrates on lots [ ]
It is about just one person the whole documentary [ ]
It just interviews professional people and doesn’t involve true stories [ ]
Tick if you would be interested in seeing a certain person be interviewed in the documentary
Doctor [ ] Nurse [ ] Psychiatrist [ ] Teenagers opinions on anorexia [ ]
Anorexic teenagers [ ] Anorexic teenager’s parents [ ] Teachers [ ]
What is your opinion on anorexia?
Do you know anyone that suffers with anorexia and how does this affect you?
What do you think causes people to have anorexia?
The pressure of models [ ] Magazine obsessions of diets [ ] Worried what people think [ ] The media in general [ ] Impressing the other gender [ ]
Would this documentary interest you in the slightest? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If so, Why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
13-16 [ ] 17-20 [ ] 21+ [ ]
Do you watch documentaries? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If so, how often? Once a year [ ] Once a month [ ] Once a week [ ]
Other ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Does the subject anorexia interest you? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If so, why? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Would you prefer a documentary to be shown on TV? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If so, what time and what channel? …………………………………………………………..
Or would you prefer it to be online? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If so, why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Do documentaries interest you more if
They concentrate on a few individuals [ ]
Whether it is a statistical documentary that concentrates on lots [ ]
It is about just one person the whole documentary [ ]
It just interviews professional people and doesn’t involve true stories [ ]
Tick if you would be interested in seeing a certain person be interviewed in the documentary
Doctor [ ] Nurse [ ] Psychiatrist [ ] Teenagers opinions on anorexia [ ]
Anorexic teenagers [ ] Anorexic teenager’s parents [ ] Teachers [ ]
What is your opinion on anorexia?
Do you know anyone that suffers with anorexia and how does this affect you?
What do you think causes people to have anorexia?
The pressure of models [ ] Magazine obsessions of diets [ ] Worried what people think [ ] The media in general [ ] Impressing the other gender [ ]
Would this documentary interest you in the slightest? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If so, Why? ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
My Next Job
I plan to make a questionnaire next and get some ideas from my target audience.
I need to ask what style they would like the documentary to be in.
What sort of time they want the documentary to be shown/or whether they want it on a website where it is accessable at all times.
Whether they want the documentary to concentrate on one or two people with anorexia or for it to be an all round statistical documentary about lots of people with anorexia.
What sort of people they want to be interviewed.
Their opinion on anorexia and what interests them about it.
What they think causes people to be anorexic.
And whether they know anyone who suffers with anorexia and how does it affect them.
I need to ask what style they would like the documentary to be in.
What sort of time they want the documentary to be shown/or whether they want it on a website where it is accessable at all times.
Whether they want the documentary to concentrate on one or two people with anorexia or for it to be an all round statistical documentary about lots of people with anorexia.
What sort of people they want to be interviewed.
Their opinion on anorexia and what interests them about it.
What they think causes people to be anorexic.
And whether they know anyone who suffers with anorexia and how does it affect them.
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