Thursday, November 18, 2010

Today's Progress

I have written the two talking heads questions and the interview for the anorexic teenager and the psychiatrist. I have also started to make my storyboard anamtic, I have filmed each scene I wish to include, my next job is to work out the timing and find the music I would like to put over each interview. On each of my post it notes for my animatic, I have put what sort of music I want to use in the section. I have also decided on a title for my documentary and decided what title sequence I am going to use. My next job is to finish my animatic and speak to the people I am going to interview. The first thing that I plan to film is the talking heads of the teenagers. I feel today has been very successful and I next plan to do the majority of this work next week. Up until then I am going to plan my further actions.

1 comment:

  1. Lydia - overall I am very impressed _ i will add firther posts in detail but the coulour layout at night gives me a migraine - i need to assess it during the day. You are clearly evidencing the assessment criteria and organising your time well = this can only raise your final grade - well done and thank you
